How to get single score of the score list?


New member
Hi, I've run AI Benchmark on a SoC platform, and get a total score of 10k
but I'd like to know the single score in the column of ranking table.
how can I get the single score? (like CPU-Q score, INT8 NNAPI, ...)
the result of 14 test sections are shown in ms, but I cannot find the score.

one more question,
Is there a definition of score in column of ranking table? (like CPU-Q score = all int-8 tests inferenced by CPU)


Andrey Ignatov

Staff member
Hi @Bacon,

> how can I get the single score? (like CPU-Q score, INT8 NNAPI, ...)

You can find them by tapping on the total score or arrow on the right:


> Is there a definition of score in column of ranking table? (like CPU-Q score = all int-8 tests inferenced by CPU)


CPU-Q: INT8 model running on CPU
CPU-F: FP16 model running on CPU
NN-INT8: INT8 model running with acceleration (NNAPI or Delegates)
NN-INT8: Fp16 model running with acceleration (NNAPI or Delegates)

These are the same numbers that you can see in the benchmark.

Erich Rossner

New member
Is it a normal Behavior that App provides An Android Systemcrash like observed. App crashes- okay- but reboot should be not okay

Andrey Ignatov

Staff member
Hi @Erich Rossner,

Is it correct that you are talking about the Samsung Galaxy Note8 with the Snapdragon 835 SoC? Can you please check in the acceleration settings if the Hexagon and TFLite GPU delegates are enabled?