Recent content by Zhang9678

  1. Z

    Real-Time Image Super-Resolution Challenge

    My TFLite model can run fine with NNAPI acceleration option.....I can not find the problem.
  2. Z

    Real-Time Image Super-Resolution Challenge

    Hello! My model can run normally in AI benchmark, but after submitting, it is shown ‘Unable to run (unsupported operator type 127)’in the following link: Why is...
  3. Z

    Real-Time Image Super-Resolution Challenge

    Hello, my model can run normally in AI benchmark FP16 and FP32, but it fails in INT8. The error message is: ‘java.lang.illegalArgumentException:Cannot copy to a TensorFlowLite tensor (serving_default_input:0) with 2764800 bytes from a Java Buffer with 691200 bytes ’ What's the reason for this?
  4. Z

    Real-Time Image Super-Resolution Challenge

    Hello!What is the version of tensorflow that supports quantize ‘depth to space‘?I used the official fsrcnn framework, after modifying it, I used depth to space, but it has been shown that it does not support its quantization.