Is it possible to get source code of AI bench 5.0.3


New member
I'm planing to run AI benchmark with my modified tensorflow.
To do know which tensorflow function is called by AI bench, I want to anaylize source code of AI benchmnark.
So I would appreciate if you give me source code for AI bench 5.0.3 or some documents.
Is it possibe for users?

Thank you,


Andrey Ignatov

Staff member
Hi @koka,

Unfortunately, the source code of AI Benchmark for Android is not publicly available.

I'm planing to run AI benchmark with my modified tensorflow.

Are your modifications related to support of new ops/layers, or to a different inference/acceleration backend?


New member
Hey Andrey, I want to piggy-back on this question and ask if you and the AI-Bench team could:
  1. Share the exact model configuration you used for the AI tests instead of linking to the papers and/or public repositories.
  2. Share the source code for the ports for models used for benchmarking (e.g., the source file that produced the .dlc file).
  3. Create a space for people to post (1) and (2) in case they have run their own benchmarks, e.g., see this post:
If possible, you would help the community significantly by showcasing how to port and optimize models for certain hardware devices. This would be massively appreciated.

Best wishes, E.

Andrey Ignatov

Staff member
Share the exact model configuration you used for the AI tests instead of linking to the papers and/or public repositories

One can potentially extract all models directly from the benchmark APK file.

Create a space for people to post (1) and (2) in case they have run their own benchmarks

Feel free to use this forum for sharing or comparing the results, such posts will not be deleted or banned.